Module proteinflow.processing
Functions for processing PDB files and generating new datasets.
Expand source code
"""Functions for processing PDB files and generating new datasets."""
import multiprocessing
import os
import pickle
import subprocess
from collections import Counter
from datetime import datetime
import editdistance
import numpy as np
import requests
from joblib import Parallel, delayed
from p_tqdm import p_map
from tqdm import tqdm
from import PDBEntry, SAbDabEntry
from import PDBError
from import _load_files
from proteinflow.ligand import _compare_smiles
from proteinflow.logging import _log_exception, _log_removed, get_error_summary
def run_processing(
"""Download and parse PDB files that meet filtering criteria.
The output files are pickled nested dictionaries where first-level keys are chain Ids and second-level keys are
the following:
- `'crd_bb'`: a `numpy` array of shape `(L, 4, 3)` with backbone atom coordinates (N, C, CA, O),
- `'crd_sc'`: a `numpy` array of shape `(L, 10, 3)` with sidechain atom coordinates (in a fixed order, check `sidechain_order()`),
- `'msk'`: a `numpy` array of shape `(L,)` where ones correspond to residues with known coordinates and
zeros to missing values,
- `'seq'`: a string of length `L` with residue types.
When creating a SAbDab dataset, an additional key is added to the dictionary:
- `'cdr'`: a `'numpy'` array of shape `(L,)` where CDR residues are marked with the corresponding type (`'H1'`, `'L1'`, ...)
and non-CDR residues are marked with `'-'`.
All errors including reasons for filtering a file out are logged in a log file.
tmp_folder : str, default "./data/tmp_pdb"
The folder where temporary files will be saved
output_folder : str, default "./data/pdb"
The folder where the output files will be saved
min_length : int, default 30
The minimum number of non-missing residues per chain
max_length : int, default 10000
The maximum number of residues per chain (set None for no threshold)
resolution_thr : float, default 3.5
The maximum resolution
missing_ends_thr : float, default 0.3
The maximum fraction of missing residues at the ends
missing_middle_thr : float, default 0.1
The maximum fraction of missing residues in the middle (after missing ends are disregarded)
filter_methods : bool, default True
If `True`, only files obtained with X-ray or EM will be processed
remove_redundancies : bool, default False
If `True`, removes biounits that are doubles of others sequence wise
redundancy_thr : float, default 0.9
The threshold upon which sequences are considered as one and the same (default: 90%)
n : int, default None
The number of files to process (for debugging purposes)
force : bool, default False
When `True`, rewrite the files if they already exist
tag : str, optional
A tag to add to the log file
pdb_snapshot : str, optional
the PDB snapshot to use, by default the latest is used (if `sabdab` is `True`, you can use any date in the format YYYYMMDD as a cutoff)
load_live : bool, default False
if `True`, load the files that are not in the latest PDB snapshot from the PDB FTP server (forced to `False` if `pdb_snapshot` is not `None`)
sabdab : bool, default False
if `True`, download the SAbDab database instead of PDB
sabdab_data_path : str, optional
path to a zip file or a directory containing SAbDab files (only used if `sabdab` is `True`)
require_antigen : bool, default False
if `True`, only keep files with antigen chains (only used if `sabdab` is `True`)
max_chains : int, default 5
the maximum number of chains per biounit
pdb_id_list_path : str, default None
if provided, get pdb_ids from list (format pdb_id-num example: 1XYZ-1)
load_ligands: boool, default False
Whether or not to load the ligands in the pdbs
require_ligand: bool, default False
if `True`, only keep files with ligands
log : dict
a dictionary where keys are recognized error names and values are lists of PDB ids that caused the errors
TMP_FOLDER = tmp_folder
OUTPUT_FOLDER = output_folder
MIN_LENGTH = min_length
MAX_LENGTH = max_length
RESOLUTION_THR = resolution_thr
MISSING_ENDS_THR = missing_ends_thr
MISSING_MIDDLE_THR = missing_middle_thr
if not os.path.exists(TMP_FOLDER):
if not os.path.exists(OUTPUT_FOLDER):
LOG_FILE = os.path.join(OUTPUT_FOLDER, "log.txt")
print(f"Log file: {LOG_FILE} \n")
now = # current date and time
date_time = now.strftime("%m/%d/%Y, %H:%M:%S") + "\n\n"
with open(LOG_FILE, "a") as f:
if tag is not None:
f.write(f"tag: {tag} \n")
f.write(f" min_length: {min_length} \n")
f.write(f" max_length: {max_length} \n")
f.write(f" resolution_thr: {resolution_thr} \n")
f.write(f" missing_ends_thr: {missing_ends_thr} \n")
f.write(f" missing_middle_thr: {missing_middle_thr} \n")
f.write(f" filter_methods: {filter_methods} \n")
f.write(f" remove_redundancies: {remove_redundancies} \n")
f.write(f" sabdab: {sabdab} \n")
f.write(f" pdb_snapshot: {pdb_snapshot} \n")
f.write(f" max_chains: {max_chains} \n")
if remove_redundancies:
f.write(f" redundancy_threshold: {redundancy_thr} \n")
if sabdab:
f.write(f" require_antigen: {require_antigen} \n")
f.write(f" sabdab_data_path: {sabdab_data_path} \n")
f.write(f" load_live: {load_live} \n")
def process_f(
pdb_path, fasta_path = local_paths
chain_id = None
if sabdab:
pdb_path, chain_id = pdb_path
heavy, light, antigen = chain_id.split("_")
if heavy == "nan":
heavy = None
if light == "nan":
light = None
if antigen == "nan":
antigen = []
antigen = antigen.split(" | ")
fn = os.path.basename(pdb_path)
pdb_id = fn.split(".")[0]
if os.path.getsize(pdb_path) > 1e7:
PDBError("PDB / mmCIF file is too large"),
# local_path = download_f(pdb_id, s3_client=s3_client, load_live=load_live)
name = pdb_id if not sabdab else pdb_id + "-" + chain_id
target_file = os.path.join(OUTPUT_FOLDER, name + ".pickle")
if not force and os.path.exists(target_file):
raise PDBError("File already exists")
if sabdab:
pdb_entry = SAbDabEntry(
pdb_entry = PDBEntry(
pdb_path=pdb_path, fasta_path=fasta_path, load_ligand=ligand
# filter and convert
protein_dict = filter_and_convert(
# save
with open(target_file, "wb") as f:
pickle.dump(protein_dict, f)
except Exception as e:
if show_error:
raise e
_log_exception(e, LOG_FILE, pdb_id, TMP_FOLDER, chain_id=chain_id)
paths, error_ids = _load_files(
for id in error_ids:
with open(LOG_FILE, "a") as f:
f.write(f"<<< Could not download PDB/mmCIF file: {id} \n")
# paths = [("data/2c2m-1.pdb.gz", "data/2c2m.fasta")]
print("Filter and process...")
_ = p_map(
lambda x: process_f(x, force=force, sabdab=sabdab, ligand=load_ligands),
# _ = [
# process_f(x, force=force, sabdab=sabdab, show_error=True)
# for x in tqdm(paths)
# ]
except Exception as e:
stats = get_error_summary(LOG_FILE, verbose=False)
not_found_error = "<<< PDB / mmCIF file downloaded but not found"
if not sabdab:
while not_found_error in stats:
with open(LOG_FILE) as f:
lines = [x for x in f.readlines() if not x.startswith(not_found_error)]
with open(f"{LOG_FILE}_tmp", "a") as f:
for line in lines:
if sabdab:
paths = [
os.path.join(TMP_FOLDER, x.split("-")[0] + ".pdb"),
for x in stats[not_found_error]
paths = stats[not_found_error]
_ = p_map(lambda x: process_f(x, force=force, sabdab=sabdab), paths)
stats = get_error_summary(LOG_FILE, verbose=False)
if os.path.exists(f"{LOG_FILE}_tmp"):
with open(LOG_FILE) as f:
lines = [x for x in f.readlines() if not x.startswith(not_found_error)]
with open(f"{LOG_FILE}_tmp", "a") as f:
for line in lines:
os.rename(f"{LOG_FILE}_tmp", LOG_FILE)
if remove_redundancies:
removed = _remove_database_redundancies(
_log_removed(removed, LOG_FILE)
return get_error_summary(LOG_FILE)
def filter_and_convert(
load_ligands: bool = False,
require_ligand: bool = False,
"""Filter and convert a PDBEntry to a ProteinEntry.
pdb_entry : PDBEntry
PDBEntry to be converted
min_length : int, default 50
Minimum total length of the protein sequence
max_length : int, default 150
Maximum total length of the protein sequence
missing_ends_thr : float, default 0.3
The maximum fraction of missing residues at the ends
missing_middle_thr : float, default 0.1
The maximum fraction of missing residues in the middle (after missing ends are disregarded)
load_ligands: boool, default False
Whether or not to load the ligands in the pdbs
require_ligand: bool, default False
Whether or not to require the presence of ligands
The converted ProteinEntry
pdb_dict = {}
fasta_dict = pdb_entry.get_fasta()
loaded_ligands = False
if load_ligands and pdb_entry.get_ligands() is not None:
ligand_dict = pdb_entry.get_ligands()
if len(ligand_dict) > 0:
loaded_ligands = True
if require_ligand and not loaded_ligands:
raise PDBError("No ligands found")
if len(pdb_entry.get_chains()) == 0:
raise PDBError("No chains found")
if pdb_entry.has_unnatural_amino_acids():
raise PDBError("Unnatural amino acids found")
for chain in pdb_entry.get_chains():
pdb_dict[chain] = {}
chain_crd = pdb_entry.get_sequence_df(chain)
fasta_seq = fasta_dict[chain]
if len(chain_crd) / len(fasta_seq) < 1 - (
max_missing_ends + max_missing_middle
raise PDBError("Too many missing values in total")
# align fasta and pdb and check criteria)
mask = pdb_entry.get_mask([chain])[chain]
known_ind = np.where(mask == 1)[0]
start, end = known_ind[0], known_ind[-1] + 1
if start + (len(mask) - end) > max_missing_ends * len(mask):
raise PDBError("Too many missing values in the ends")
if (1 - mask)[start:end].sum() > max_missing_middle * (end - start):
raise PDBError("Too many missing values in the middle")
if isinstance(pdb_entry, SAbDabEntry):
pdb_dict[chain]["cdr"] = pdb_entry.get_cdr([chain])[chain]
pdb_dict[chain]["seq"] = fasta_seq
pdb_dict[chain]["msk"] = mask
if min_length is not None and mask.sum() < min_length:
raise PDBError("Sequence is too short")
if max_length is not None and len(mask) > max_length:
raise PDBError("Sequence is too long")
# go over rows of coordinates
crd_arr = pdb_entry.get_coordinates_array(chain)
pdb_dict[chain]["crd_bb"] = crd_arr[:, :4, :]
pdb_dict[chain]["crd_sc"] = crd_arr[:, 4:, :]
pdb_dict[chain]["msk"][(pdb_dict[chain]["crd_bb"] == 0).sum(-1).sum(-1) > 0] = 0
if loaded_ligands:
if chain in ligand_dict.keys():
pdb_dict[chain]["ligand"] = ligand_dict[chain]
if (pdb_dict[chain]["msk"][start:end] == 0).sum() > max_missing_middle * (
end - start
raise PDBError("Too many missing values in the middle")
return pdb_dict
def _remove_database_redundancies(
dir, seq_identity_threshold=0.9, ligand_identity=False
"""Remove all biounits in the database that are copies to another biounits in terms of sequence.
Sequence identity is defined by the 'seq_identity_threshold' parameter for robust detection of sequence similarity (missing residues, point mutations, ...).
dir : str
the path to the database where all the biounits are stored in pickle files after their processing
seq_identity_threshold : float, default .9
the threshold that determines up to what percentage identity sequences are considered as the same
total_removed : int
the total number of removed biounits
all_files = np.array(os.listdir(dir))
all_pdbs = np.array([file[:4] for file in all_files])
pdb_counts = Counter(all_pdbs)
pdbs_to_check = [pdb for pdb in pdb_counts.keys() if pdb_counts[pdb] > 1]
total_removed = []
for pdb in tqdm(pdbs_to_check):
biounits_list = np.array(
[os.path.join(dir, file) for file in all_files[all_pdbs == pdb]]
biounits_list = sorted(biounits_list)
redundancies = _check_biounits(
biounits_list, seq_identity_threshold, ligand_identity
if redundancies != []:
for k in redundancies:
total_removed.append(os.path.basename(biounits_list[k]).split(".")[0])["rm", biounits_list[k]])
return total_removed
def _open_pdb(file):
"""Open a PDB file in the pickle format that follows the dwnloading and processing of the database."""
with open(file, "rb") as f:
return pickle.load(f)
def _check_biounits(biounits_list, threshold, ligand_identity):
"""Return the indexes of the redundant biounits within the list of files given by `biounits_list`."""
biounits = [_open_pdb(b) for b in biounits_list]
indexes = []
for k, b1 in enumerate(biounits):
if k not in indexes:
b1_seqs = [b1[chain]["seq"] for chain in b1.keys()]
for i, b2 in enumerate(biounits[k + 1 :]):
if len(b1.keys()) != len(b2.keys()):
b2_seqs = [b2[chain]["seq"] for chain in b2.keys()]
if ligand_identity:
ligs1 = []
for chain in b1.keys():
if "ligand" in b1[chain].keys():
list([c["smiles"] for c in b1[chain]["ligand"]])
ligs2 = []
for chain in b2.keys():
if "ligand" in b2[chain].keys():
list([c["smiles"] for c in b2[chain]["ligand"]])
equal_ligands = _compare_smiles(ligs1, ligs2, threshold)
equal_ligands = True
if _compare_seqs(b1_seqs, b2_seqs, threshold) and equal_ligands:
indexes.append(k + i + 1)
return indexes
def _compare_identity(seq, seqs, threshold):
"""Assess whether a sequence is in a list of sequences (in the sense that it shares at least 90% to one of the sequences in the list)."""
for s in seqs:
if editdistance.eval(s, seq) / max(len(s), len(seq)) <= (1 - threshold):
return True
return False
def _compare_seqs(seqs1, seqs2, threshold):
"""Assess whether 2 lists of sequences contain exactly the same set of sequences."""
for seq in seqs1:
if not _compare_identity(seq, seqs2, threshold):
return False
for seq in seqs2:
if not _compare_identity(seq, seqs1, threshold):
return False
return True
def _raise_rcsbsearch(e):
"""Raise a RuntimeError if the error is due to rcsbsearch."""
if "404 Client Error" in str(e):
raise RuntimeError(
'Querying rcsbsearch is failing. Please install a version of rcsbsearch where this error is solved:\npython -m pip install "rcsbsearch @ git+"'
raise e
def filter_and_convert(pdb_entry, min_length=50, max_length=150, max_missing_ends=5, max_missing_middle=5, load_ligands: bool = False, require_ligand: bool = False)
Filter and convert a PDBEntry to a ProteinEntry.
- PDBEntry to be converted
, default50
- Minimum total length of the protein sequence
, default150
- Maximum total length of the protein sequence
, default0.3
- The maximum fraction of missing residues at the ends
, default0.1
- The maximum fraction of missing residues in the middle (after missing ends are disregarded)
, defaultFalse
- Whether or not to load the ligands in the pdbs
, defaultFalse
- Whether or not to require the presence of ligands
- The converted ProteinEntry
Expand source code
def filter_and_convert( pdb_entry, min_length=50, max_length=150, max_missing_ends=5, max_missing_middle=5, load_ligands: bool = False, require_ligand: bool = False, ): """Filter and convert a PDBEntry to a ProteinEntry. Parameters ---------- pdb_entry : PDBEntry PDBEntry to be converted min_length : int, default 50 Minimum total length of the protein sequence max_length : int, default 150 Maximum total length of the protein sequence missing_ends_thr : float, default 0.3 The maximum fraction of missing residues at the ends missing_middle_thr : float, default 0.1 The maximum fraction of missing residues in the middle (after missing ends are disregarded) load_ligands: boool, default False Whether or not to load the ligands in the pdbs require_ligand: bool, default False Whether or not to require the presence of ligands Returns ------- ProteinEntry The converted ProteinEntry """ pdb_dict = {} fasta_dict = pdb_entry.get_fasta() loaded_ligands = False if load_ligands and pdb_entry.get_ligands() is not None: ligand_dict = pdb_entry.get_ligands() if len(ligand_dict) > 0: loaded_ligands = True if require_ligand and not loaded_ligands: raise PDBError("No ligands found") if len(pdb_entry.get_chains()) == 0: raise PDBError("No chains found") if pdb_entry.has_unnatural_amino_acids(): raise PDBError("Unnatural amino acids found") for chain in pdb_entry.get_chains(): pdb_dict[chain] = {} chain_crd = pdb_entry.get_sequence_df(chain) fasta_seq = fasta_dict[chain] if len(chain_crd) / len(fasta_seq) < 1 - ( max_missing_ends + max_missing_middle ): raise PDBError("Too many missing values in total") # align fasta and pdb and check criteria) mask = pdb_entry.get_mask([chain])[chain] known_ind = np.where(mask == 1)[0] start, end = known_ind[0], known_ind[-1] + 1 if start + (len(mask) - end) > max_missing_ends * len(mask): raise PDBError("Too many missing values in the ends") if (1 - mask)[start:end].sum() > max_missing_middle * (end - start): raise PDBError("Too many missing values in the middle") if isinstance(pdb_entry, SAbDabEntry): pdb_dict[chain]["cdr"] = pdb_entry.get_cdr([chain])[chain] pdb_dict[chain]["seq"] = fasta_seq pdb_dict[chain]["msk"] = mask if min_length is not None and mask.sum() < min_length: raise PDBError("Sequence is too short") if max_length is not None and len(mask) > max_length: raise PDBError("Sequence is too long") # go over rows of coordinates crd_arr = pdb_entry.get_coordinates_array(chain) pdb_dict[chain]["crd_bb"] = crd_arr[:, :4, :] pdb_dict[chain]["crd_sc"] = crd_arr[:, 4:, :] pdb_dict[chain]["msk"][(pdb_dict[chain]["crd_bb"] == 0).sum(-1).sum(-1) > 0] = 0 if loaded_ligands: if chain in ligand_dict.keys(): pdb_dict[chain]["ligand"] = ligand_dict[chain] if (pdb_dict[chain]["msk"][start:end] == 0).sum() > max_missing_middle * ( end - start ): raise PDBError("Too many missing values in the middle") return pdb_dict
def run_processing(tmp_folder='./data/tmp_pdb', output_folder='./data/pdb', min_length=30, max_length=10000, resolution_thr=3.5, missing_ends_thr=0.3, missing_middle_thr=0.1, filter_methods=True, remove_redundancies=False, redundancy_thr=0.9, n=None, force=False, tag=None, pdb_snapshot=None, load_live=False, sabdab=False, sabdab_data_path=None, require_antigen=False, max_chains=5, pdb_id_list_path=None, load_ligands=False, require_ligand=False)
Download and parse PDB files that meet filtering criteria.
The output files are pickled nested dictionaries where first-level keys are chain Ids and second-level keys are the following:
: anumpy
array of shape(L, 4, 3)
with backbone atom coordinates (N, C, CA, O),'crd_sc'
: anumpy
array of shape(L, 10, 3)
with sidechain atom coordinates (in a fixed order, checksidechain_order()
: anumpy
array of shape(L,)
where ones correspond to residues with known coordinates and zeros to missing values,'seq'
: a string of lengthL
with residue types.
When creating a SAbDab dataset, an additional key is added to the dictionary: -
: a'numpy'
array of shape(L,)
where CDR residues are marked with the corresponding type ('H1'
, …) and non-CDR residues are marked with'-'
.All errors including reasons for filtering a file out are logged in a log file.
, default"./data/tmp_pdb"
- The folder where temporary files will be saved
, default"./data/pdb"
- The folder where the output files will be saved
, default30
- The minimum number of non-missing residues per chain
, default10000
- The maximum number of residues per chain (set None for no threshold)
, default3.5
- The maximum resolution
, default0.3
- The maximum fraction of missing residues at the ends
, default0.1
- The maximum fraction of missing residues in the middle (after missing ends are disregarded)
, defaultTrue
- If
, only files obtained with X-ray or EM will be processed remove_redundancies
, defaultFalse
- If
, removes biounits that are doubles of others sequence wise redundancy_thr
, default0.9
- The threshold upon which sequences are considered as one and the same (default: 90%)
, defaultNone
- The number of files to process (for debugging purposes)
, defaultFalse
- When
, rewrite the files if they already exist tag
, optional- A tag to add to the log file
, optional- the PDB snapshot to use, by default the latest is used (if
, you can use any date in the format YYYYMMDD as a cutoff) load_live
, defaultFalse
- if
, load the files that are not in the latest PDB snapshot from the PDB FTP server (forced toFalse
is notNone
) sabdab
, defaultFalse
- if
, download the SAbDab database instead of PDB sabdab_data_path
, optional- path to a zip file or a directory containing SAbDab files (only used if
) require_antigen
, defaultFalse
- if
, only keep files with antigen chains (only used ifsabdab
) max_chains
, default5
- the maximum number of chains per biounit
, defaultNone
- if provided, get pdb_ids from list (format pdb_id-num example: 1XYZ-1)
, defaultFalse
- Whether or not to load the ligands in the pdbs
, defaultFalse
- if
, only keep files with ligands
- a dictionary where keys are recognized error names and values are lists of PDB ids that caused the errors
Expand source code
def run_processing( tmp_folder="./data/tmp_pdb", output_folder="./data/pdb", min_length=30, max_length=10000, resolution_thr=3.5, missing_ends_thr=0.3, missing_middle_thr=0.1, filter_methods=True, remove_redundancies=False, redundancy_thr=0.9, n=None, force=False, tag=None, pdb_snapshot=None, load_live=False, sabdab=False, sabdab_data_path=None, require_antigen=False, max_chains=5, pdb_id_list_path=None, load_ligands=False, require_ligand=False, ): """Download and parse PDB files that meet filtering criteria. The output files are pickled nested dictionaries where first-level keys are chain Ids and second-level keys are the following: - `'crd_bb'`: a `numpy` array of shape `(L, 4, 3)` with backbone atom coordinates (N, C, CA, O), - `'crd_sc'`: a `numpy` array of shape `(L, 10, 3)` with sidechain atom coordinates (in a fixed order, check `sidechain_order()`), - `'msk'`: a `numpy` array of shape `(L,)` where ones correspond to residues with known coordinates and zeros to missing values, - `'seq'`: a string of length `L` with residue types. When creating a SAbDab dataset, an additional key is added to the dictionary: - `'cdr'`: a `'numpy'` array of shape `(L,)` where CDR residues are marked with the corresponding type (`'H1'`, `'L1'`, ...) and non-CDR residues are marked with `'-'`. All errors including reasons for filtering a file out are logged in a log file. Parameters ---------- tmp_folder : str, default "./data/tmp_pdb" The folder where temporary files will be saved output_folder : str, default "./data/pdb" The folder where the output files will be saved min_length : int, default 30 The minimum number of non-missing residues per chain max_length : int, default 10000 The maximum number of residues per chain (set None for no threshold) resolution_thr : float, default 3.5 The maximum resolution missing_ends_thr : float, default 0.3 The maximum fraction of missing residues at the ends missing_middle_thr : float, default 0.1 The maximum fraction of missing residues in the middle (after missing ends are disregarded) filter_methods : bool, default True If `True`, only files obtained with X-ray or EM will be processed remove_redundancies : bool, default False If `True`, removes biounits that are doubles of others sequence wise redundancy_thr : float, default 0.9 The threshold upon which sequences are considered as one and the same (default: 90%) n : int, default None The number of files to process (for debugging purposes) force : bool, default False When `True`, rewrite the files if they already exist tag : str, optional A tag to add to the log file pdb_snapshot : str, optional the PDB snapshot to use, by default the latest is used (if `sabdab` is `True`, you can use any date in the format YYYYMMDD as a cutoff) load_live : bool, default False if `True`, load the files that are not in the latest PDB snapshot from the PDB FTP server (forced to `False` if `pdb_snapshot` is not `None`) sabdab : bool, default False if `True`, download the SAbDab database instead of PDB sabdab_data_path : str, optional path to a zip file or a directory containing SAbDab files (only used if `sabdab` is `True`) require_antigen : bool, default False if `True`, only keep files with antigen chains (only used if `sabdab` is `True`) max_chains : int, default 5 the maximum number of chains per biounit pdb_id_list_path : str, default None if provided, get pdb_ids from list (format pdb_id-num example: 1XYZ-1) load_ligands: boool, default False Whether or not to load the ligands in the pdbs require_ligand: bool, default False if `True`, only keep files with ligands Returns ------- log : dict a dictionary where keys are recognized error names and values are lists of PDB ids that caused the errors """ TMP_FOLDER = tmp_folder OUTPUT_FOLDER = output_folder MIN_LENGTH = min_length MAX_LENGTH = max_length RESOLUTION_THR = resolution_thr MISSING_ENDS_THR = missing_ends_thr MISSING_MIDDLE_THR = missing_middle_thr if not os.path.exists(TMP_FOLDER): os.makedirs(TMP_FOLDER) if not os.path.exists(OUTPUT_FOLDER): os.makedirs(OUTPUT_FOLDER) LOG_FILE = os.path.join(OUTPUT_FOLDER, "log.txt") print(f"Log file: {LOG_FILE} \n") now = # current date and time date_time = now.strftime("%m/%d/%Y, %H:%M:%S") + "\n\n" with open(LOG_FILE, "a") as f: f.write(date_time) if tag is not None: f.write(f"tag: {tag} \n") f.write(f" min_length: {min_length} \n") f.write(f" max_length: {max_length} \n") f.write(f" resolution_thr: {resolution_thr} \n") f.write(f" missing_ends_thr: {missing_ends_thr} \n") f.write(f" missing_middle_thr: {missing_middle_thr} \n") f.write(f" filter_methods: {filter_methods} \n") f.write(f" remove_redundancies: {remove_redundancies} \n") f.write(f" sabdab: {sabdab} \n") f.write(f" pdb_snapshot: {pdb_snapshot} \n") f.write(f" max_chains: {max_chains} \n") if remove_redundancies: f.write(f" redundancy_threshold: {redundancy_thr} \n") if sabdab: f.write(f" require_antigen: {require_antigen} \n") f.write(f" sabdab_data_path: {sabdab_data_path} \n") else: f.write(f" load_live: {load_live} \n") f.write("\n") def process_f( local_paths, show_error=False, force=True, sabdab=False, ligand=False, ): pdb_path, fasta_path = local_paths chain_id = None if sabdab: pdb_path, chain_id = pdb_path heavy, light, antigen = chain_id.split("_") if heavy == "nan": heavy = None if light == "nan": light = None if antigen == "nan": antigen = [] else: antigen = antigen.split(" | ") fn = os.path.basename(pdb_path) pdb_id = fn.split(".")[0] if os.path.getsize(pdb_path) > 1e7: _log_exception( PDBError("PDB / mmCIF file is too large"), LOG_FILE, pdb_id, TMP_FOLDER, chain_id=chain_id, ) try: # local_path = download_f(pdb_id, s3_client=s3_client, load_live=load_live) name = pdb_id if not sabdab else pdb_id + "-" + chain_id target_file = os.path.join(OUTPUT_FOLDER, name + ".pickle") if not force and os.path.exists(target_file): raise PDBError("File already exists") if sabdab: pdb_entry = SAbDabEntry( pdb_path=pdb_path, heavy_chain=heavy, light_chain=light, antigen_chains=antigen, fasta_path=fasta_path, ) else: pdb_entry = PDBEntry( pdb_path=pdb_path, fasta_path=fasta_path, load_ligand=ligand ) # filter and convert protein_dict = filter_and_convert( pdb_entry, min_length=MIN_LENGTH, max_length=MAX_LENGTH, max_missing_ends=MISSING_ENDS_THR, max_missing_middle=MISSING_MIDDLE_THR, load_ligands=ligand, require_ligand=require_ligand, ) # save with open(target_file, "wb") as f: pickle.dump(protein_dict, f) except Exception as e: if show_error: raise e else: _log_exception(e, LOG_FILE, pdb_id, TMP_FOLDER, chain_id=chain_id) try: paths, error_ids = _load_files( resolution_thr=RESOLUTION_THR, filter_methods=filter_methods, pdb_snapshot=pdb_snapshot, n=n, local_folder=TMP_FOLDER, load_live=load_live, sabdab=sabdab, sabdab_data_path=sabdab_data_path, require_antigen=require_antigen, max_chains=max_chains, pdb_id_list_path=pdb_id_list_path, ) for id in error_ids: with open(LOG_FILE, "a") as f: f.write(f"<<< Could not download PDB/mmCIF file: {id} \n") # paths = [("data/2c2m-1.pdb.gz", "data/2c2m.fasta")] print("Filter and process...") _ = p_map( lambda x: process_f(x, force=force, sabdab=sabdab, ligand=load_ligands), paths, ) # _ = [ # process_f(x, force=force, sabdab=sabdab, show_error=True) # for x in tqdm(paths) # ] except Exception as e: _raise_rcsbsearch(e) stats = get_error_summary(LOG_FILE, verbose=False) not_found_error = "<<< PDB / mmCIF file downloaded but not found" if not sabdab: while not_found_error in stats: with open(LOG_FILE) as f: lines = [x for x in f.readlines() if not x.startswith(not_found_error)] os.remove(LOG_FILE) with open(f"{LOG_FILE}_tmp", "a") as f: for line in lines: f.write(line) if sabdab: paths = [ ( os.path.join(TMP_FOLDER, x.split("-")[0] + ".pdb"), x.split("-")[1], ) for x in stats[not_found_error] ] else: paths = stats[not_found_error] _ = p_map(lambda x: process_f(x, force=force, sabdab=sabdab), paths) stats = get_error_summary(LOG_FILE, verbose=False) if os.path.exists(f"{LOG_FILE}_tmp"): with open(LOG_FILE) as f: lines = [x for x in f.readlines() if not x.startswith(not_found_error)] os.remove(LOG_FILE) with open(f"{LOG_FILE}_tmp", "a") as f: for line in lines: f.write(line) os.rename(f"{LOG_FILE}_tmp", LOG_FILE) if remove_redundancies: removed = _remove_database_redundancies( OUTPUT_FOLDER, seq_identity_threshold=redundancy_thr, ligand_identity=load_ligands, ) _log_removed(removed, LOG_FILE) return get_error_summary(LOG_FILE)